Hazel 4 months

What a darling little girl! As soon as I got to the family's home, mom let me hold little Hazel, and after chasing around my 15 month old son, I forgot how cuddly little ones can be! It melted my heart to be able to snuggle with little Hazel and get to take her 4 month photos. I can't wait to have another baby (possibly a couple years away though) The images turned out beautifully! Enjoy!

Jillian is 1 year old!

So if you know beautiful Jillian, you will know that her birthday was last November, but I come across this photoshoot again and I just love her expressions she makes! So I wanted to share, Enjoy!

The Little Family

My husband's oldest brother and his family were in town for Christmas from Minnesota. They have not had a family picture since their first daughter Peyton was born. So for Christmas I was able to do that for them. Here is some of the beautiful images I got of my awesome brother/sister-in-law & their kids! My nieces Peyton & Chloe & my nephew Levi.

About Me

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wife, mother, worshiper, artist.

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